Archive for February, 2010

Industrial Action

The employment contract negotiations at the company I work for have broken down and the unions are taking industrial action.  Only about half the employees covered by this contract are members of the unions and have chosen to strike. 

So work has been very interesting lately, especially since Thursday when the strike began!

These are a mixture of my photos, of driving across the picket line and inside work, and photos from a friend who is picketing (indicated by a G after the caption).

Three of my friends from the lab, taken from the window of my car, as I drove in on the first day of the strike.

I carpooled on the second morning, and got a better shot.  This is the reception entrance, and most of these people work in the lab.

Picketing outside the warehouse entrance. (G)

Being on the picket line is such hard work! (G)

The NUW provided BBQ. (G)

Work has a BBQ on the last Friday of every month.  This Friday we had a morale boosting fancy BBQ with prawn skewers!

People from the lab, enjoying the BBQ.

Early Friday evening, one of the Australian TV channels did a live broadcast.  I think this is the transmitting equipment. (G)

The reporter preparing for the live broadcast. (G)

The live broadcast can be viewed at this link, although I am not sure how long the link will work for.  Please be aware that no statement has yet been released by the company, so the facts have been spun by the unions.  In particular, there are no safety issues, and while staff numbers are reduced, it is by no means a skeleton staff.

There are still three more days left on the strike, so I’m sure I’ll have more interesting photos to post later.

Someone Is Wrong On The Internet

Duty Calls

This was me last night, until I remembered this xkcd comic, and was reminded to just shut the computer and let it go.

How Not To Use Powerpoint

The Oddest Book Title of 2009

Here is the short list for the Diagram Prize for the oddest book title of the year:

Afterthoughts of a Worm Hunter – David Crompton

Collectible Spoons of the Third Reich – James A Yannes

Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes – Daina Taimina

Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots – Ronald C Arkin

What Kind of Bean is This Chihuahua?  – Tara Jansen-Meyer

The Changing World of Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Ellen Scherl and Maria Dubinsky

The winner will be announced on 26th March, and you can vote for your favourite title here.


from dweebist

Not completely accurate, but it is hilarious!

A Disassembled Car


A Volkswagon Golf Mark II

Lack of Posting

Sorry for the lack of posting this week (and this month).  The computer and internet connection issues I was having have both been fixed so normal posting will resume.

On the plus side, I’ve read lots of books this month because I haven’t been spending my time reading the internet!

Sculptures From Hard Drives

See more sculptures here

Dancing Robots