Archive for December, 2010

Christmas Dominos

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day, filled with all the food you can eat and all the presents you could want.

(And a special Merry Christmas to all the people I met travelling around Africa.)

Guerrilla Handbells

A wonderful christmas themed mission from Improv Everywhere.

Santa's one-stop-shop: The Amazon warehouse near Milton Keynes has everything you can think of - including the author's own book!

Looks like organised chaos!  The full story can be found here.

Luke And Jess’s Wedding

On the 18th December 2010, at the Wellington Botanic Gardens, my brother Luke got married, and now I have a wonderful new sister-in-law, Jess. 

It was a beautiful sunny day, a change after the rain and drizzle of the day before.  The bride and bridesmaids even got a little sunburnt, and I didn’t freeze in my short-sleeved dress!

Luckily, I didn’t cry during the ceremony (like I did at my sister’s wedding) even if I did get a little sniffly during the speeches.

Everybody looked either handsome or pretty, and it was lovely to catch up with relatives, meet some of Luke and Jess’s friends, and generally have a wonderful time. 

A Pensive Flowergirl

Exchanging Rings

Me, My Brothers, And My Sister


The Happy Couple

Congratulations Luke and Jess!

Tilt-Shift Van Gogh

Tilt-shift is a photographic effect that uses a special lens to give a real-world scene the illusion of being a miniature model. A similar effect can be achieved with Photoshop;  Serena Malyon tried tilt-shifting paintings to see what would happen.  These Van Gogh paintings come out beautifully.

More pictures can be found here.

Living In Three Centuries

Walter Breuning , who is officially the oldest man in the world at 114 years, answers questions crowdsourced from the Internet.

Random Quotation

The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice.

Abbe’ D’Allanival

Imaginary Numbers


Hypnotic Slow Motion


How did the violin greet the guitar?

We have enough youth, how about a fountain of Smart?

Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

Feathers are light.
The sun gives off light.
Therefore, the sun gives off feathers.